
unusual facts about Old City Hall

see also

13th New York State Legislature

The State Legislature met from July 6 to 16, 1789, at the Old City Hall in Albany, to resume the election of U.S. Senators, and elected State Senator Philip Schuyler and Assemblyman Rufus King, both Federalists, who took their seats in the U.S. Senate of the 1st United States Congress a few days later at Federal Hall in New York City, where Congress met until September 29, 1789, and again from January 4, 1790.

Battle of Kitcheners' Wood

The old City Hall in Calgary, Alberta (the city from where about 60% of the original 10th Battalion men were recruited) bears a plaque dedicated to Lieutenant Colonel Russ Boyle and the men of the 10th Battalion who made the charge at Kitcheners' Wood.

Phoenix City Hall

"Old City Hall" is a duplex style structure with the original Maricopa County Courthouse, designed in 1928 by Lescher & Mahoney and Edward Nield, whose main entrance faces Washington Street.

Prince Edward Building

For a time referred to as the Old City Hall Mall, it was officially renamed The Prince Edward Building in 2003 when Prince Edward visited the Globe Theatre.