Each episode opened with the show's host, Oliver Muirhead, introducing the staff of black with white-striped track-suit wearing judges, including an intense old man Ernie Misko, an intimidating large man of African descent, and a beautiful, sexy model Carolina Rommel.
Oliver Cromwell | Oliver Stone | Oliver! | Oliver Goldsmith | Oliver | Jamie Oliver | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. | Oliver Sacks | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. | Oliver Twist | Oliver Wendell Holmes | Oliver Hardy | Oliver Reed | Oliver North | Oliver Nelson | Oliver Hazard Perry | Oliver Lake | Oliver Heaviside | Oliver O. Howard | Oliver Tambo | Oliver Lodge | Oliver Letwin | Oliver Kahn | Oliver Knussen | Paul Oliver | Oliver Tompsett | Oliver Pocher | Damien Oliver | Susan Oliver | Oliver Dragojević |
Screenwriter David S. Goyer created him for the 1998 film Blade (in which the part was played by Kris Kristofferson), but he first appeared on screen in Spider-Man: The Animated Series where he was voiced by Malcolm McDowell and later by Oliver Muirhead.