During the Prussian uprising, he remained in Silesia, and also performed duties there, in Reichenbach, Breslau and in Olmütz (Olomouc).
The next brother, Francis, the third Earl, was one of the most celebrated men of his time: he was brought up at Olmütz, at the imperial court, and in the service of Duke Charles of Lorraine, whose most intimate friend he became.
Ede Szerdahelyi (1820–1880) was a Hungarian pianist and composer who had been imprisoned in Olmütz for his participation in the Hungarian uprising of 1848.
In June 1758 he was sent to protect a convoy with supplies for the army besieging Olmütz, but could not prevent it from being completely destroyed at Domstadtl.
The title hints at an autobiographical aspect of the work; as a young, newly qualified conductor (and budding composer), Mahler was himself at this time in a stage somewhere between 'apprentice' and recognized 'master' and had been moving from town to town (Bad Hall, Laibach, Olmütz, Vienna, Kassel).
Pius Parsch, born John Bruno Parsch on May 18, 1884 in Neustift near Olmutz, Moravia, in what is now the Czech Republic.
In 1469 he took part in the election of Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus as (anti)King of Bohemia in Olomouc (Olmütz), mainly thanks to the efforts of Pope Paul II and insurgent Bohemian Catholic nobility.
The 2nd Earl's younger brother, Francis, studied at the University of Olomouc (Olmütz) in the Imperial Margraviate of Moravia, and served at the court of Emperor Ferdinand III as well as under Duke Charles IV of Lorraine, whose most intimate friend he became.