
2 unusual facts about Olot

Gnome of Girona

According to the original version showed on TV, the being had been captured by some campers about 11 kilometers from Girona, in the route from the villages of Banyoles to Olot.

Levan Aroshidze

He won the 13th Obert Internacional d’Escacs Ciutat d’Olot tournament in Olot, Spain with 7.5/8 in joint first with Jorge Gonzalez Rodriguez.


Olot |

Israel ben Moses Najara

# Olot Ḥodesh, containing 160 piyyuṭim and dirges for the high holy days, Purim, the Ninth of Ab, and occasional ceremonies.


Comprising the Khoshut (Хошууд Hošuud), Choros or Ölöt (Өөлд Ööld), Torghut (Торгууд Torguud), and Dörbet (Дөрвөд Dörvöd) tribes, they were dubbed Kalmyk or Kalmak, which means "remnant" or "to remain", by their western Turkic neighbors.

see also