
unusual facts about Open access journal

Serials crisis

Open access journals where the reader of a journal or the library at their institution does not need to pay a subscription or a pay per-view charge to read the articles published in that journal.

Ashdin Publishing

Ashdin Publishing is a company with offices in both Honnelles, Belgium and Cairo which publishes open access journals.

Asian Ethnology

Asian Ethnology is an open access semi-annual, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion of research on the peoples and cultures of Asia.

Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship

The Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship calls for all law schools to stop publishing their law journals in print format and to rely instead on open access electronic publication coupled with a commitment to keep the electronic versions available in stable, open, digital formats.

Ecological Society of America

ESA Journals - The Society publishes the scientific, peer-reviewed journals of Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Ecological Applications, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, and most recently added, Ecosphere, a rapid publication, online-only, open access journal featuring all sub-disciplines of ecology.

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal published and edited by Paul Ernest (University of Exeter).

The Physiological Society

The Physiological Society publishes the academic journals The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology, and with the American Physiological Society publishes the open access journal Physiological Reports.

see also

Pål Johan Karlsen

At the end of 2013, he launched the Open Access journal Scandinavian Psychologist together with the Norwegian Society of Psychological Science.