
5 unusual facts about Operation Meebos

Operation Meebos

The Tactical headquarters at the HAA began planning another mission consisting of an air attack by Mirage's followed by a helicopter troop assault with air protection by Alouette gunships.

It was attacked firstly by Alouette gunships followed by an airdrop by helicopter of ground troops which killed around 18 PLAN soldiers but the base was found to have been evacuated.

The plan involved the use of South African Air Force helicopters flown from mobile helicopter administrative areas (HAA) with a SADF Tactical Headquarters based deep in Angola and protected from possible People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola (FAPLA) attacks by 61 Mechanised Battalion.

32 Battalion was the first wave of ground troops dropped in by Puma helicopters followed by a second wave of paratroopers.

At last 61 Mechanised had completed its combat readiness training around Xangongo and departed there on 27 July heading in the direction of Mongua hoping to confuse FAPLA and PLAN intelligence as to it final destination before disappearing off into the Angolan bush.

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