
6 unusual facts about Order of Mark Master Masons

Holy Royal Arch

At the same time, no compromise could be reached on the role and purpose of the Mark degree.

This body administers Mark Masonry, Royal Arch Masonry, and the degree of Excellent Master which is an essential preamble to the Royal Arch degree.

In Scotland, the candidate for the Royal Arch must also be a Mark Master Mason, a degree which can be conferred within a Royal Arch Chapter if required.

Masonic funerals

A Masonic Funeral is a right afforded to all Master Masons in good standing within his respective lodge.

Masonic Lodge

Different Grand Lodges and their regions show subtleties of tradition and variation in the degrees and practice; for example under the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Mark Degree (which is unrecognised by the United Grand Lodge of England, but has a separate Mark Grand Lodge) is integrated into "The Craft" as a completion of the second degree.

Order of Mark Master Masons

Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas speculate in their 1996 book The Hiram Key that the construction of the Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland (1440–1490) provided the interface between the Knights Templar and Freemasonry.

see also