
unusual facts about Orfordness


Constantine Phipps, 2nd Baron Mulgrave

They sailed beyond Svalbard to the Seven Islands, but were forced back by the ice and returned to Orfordness on 17 September.

James Baylis Allen

Allen's best known plates are those after J. M. W. Turner's drawings for the ‘Rivers of France,’ 1833–5, consisting of views of Amboise, Caudebec, Havre, and St. Germain; and for the ‘England and Wales,’ 1827–32, for which he engraved the plates of Stonyhurst, Upnor Castle, Orfordness, Harborough Sands, and Lowestoft Lighthouse.

Jane Benham

During their stay on board the schoolships, children and their accompanying teachers or youth leaders explored the east coast within the area North Foreland in the south to Orfordness in the north, living on board and working the vessels under sail.

RAF Mousehold Heath

No. 37 Squadron RFC was official formed at Norwich on 15 April 1916 from elements of 9 RS before moving on the next day to Orfordness.

see also