In addition Allan Murdmaa has designed numerous monuments across Estonia - monuments of Amandus Adamson, Eduard Vilde, Heino Eller and Oskar Luts, the obelisk of the Tehumardi battle, the memorial of the victims of Stalinist Terror in Rakvere and the memorial of Maarjamäe.
Oskar Kokoschka | Oskar Schindler | Lee Oskar | Paul Oskar Kristeller | Oskar Sima | Oskar Pfister Award | Oskar Luts | Oskar Linnros | Oskar Kohnstamm | Oskar Fischinger | Oskar Eustis | Oskar von Miller | Oskar Vogt | Oskar Sosnowski | Oskar Seidlin | Oskar Schlemmer | Oskar Piotrowski | Oskar Homolka | Oskar Heil | Óskar Halldórsson | Oskar Barnack | Viktor Oskar Tilgner | Oskar von Watter | Oskar von Hutier | Oskar von Hindenburg | Oskar Skarsaune | Oskar Schmiedel | Oskar Sala | Oskar Rohr | Oskar R. Lange |
Sepp has appeared in stage productions at the Vanemuine theatre based on the works of: Oskar Luts, Rudyard Kipling, Juhan Liiv, Emily Brontë, George Bernard Shaw, Ole Lund Kirkegaard, Edward Albee and William Shakespeare.