Modern interest in Padé tables was revived by H. S. Wall and Oskar Perron, who were primarily interested in the connections between the tables and certain classes of continued fractions.
Oskar Kokoschka | Oskar Schindler | Lee Oskar | Marshall Perron | Paul Oskar Kristeller | Oskar Sima | Oskar Pfister Award | Oskar Luts | Oskar Linnros | Oskar Kohnstamm | Oskar Fischinger | Oskar Eustis | Oskar von Miller | Oskar Vogt | Oskar Sosnowski | Oskar Seidlin | Oskar Schlemmer | Oskar Piotrowski | Oskar Homolka | Oskar Heil | Óskar Halldórsson | Oskar Barnack | Wendy Perron | Viktor Oskar Tilgner | Pierre Cuillier-Perron | Perron–Frobenius theorem | Perron | Oskar von Watter | Oskar von Hutier | Oskar von Hindenburg |