
2 unusual facts about Ossiach

Gerhard Oberschlick

Starting in 1971 Oberschlick organized a music festival with Friedrich Gulda in Ossiach and two scientific symposia for the Kreisky government in Vienna, created a Happening and worked as a dramaturge for plays by Ibsen and Pirandello.


Related names in Slovene ethnic territory include Osojnik, Ossiach (in Austria), and Oseacco (in the Resia Valley in Italy).


Ossiach |

Steindorf am Ossiacher See

The municipality lies on the east side of the Ossiach Lake, about 8 km from Feldkirchen.

Vienna Mozart Orchestra

A guest performance during the Carinthian Summer in Ossiach in August 1997, under the leadership of Ernst Ottensamer, member of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, was a great success.

see also