
3 unusual facts about Oswald of Worcester

Little Witley

Bishop Oswald of Worcester (961-992) decided to reform the financing of the church by leasing more of its lands.

Oswald of Worcester

He was offered the site of Ramsey Abbey in Huntingdonshire by Æthelwine, son of Æthelstan Half-King, and Oswald established a monastery there about 971 that attracted most of the members of the community at Westbury.

Ramsey Psalter

Its script and decoration suggest that it was made at Winchester, but certain liturgical features have suggested that it was intended for use at the Benedictine monastery of Ramsey, or for the personal use of Ramsey's founder St Oswald.

All Saints Church, Kingston upon Thames

In the following years Kingston was the site of the consecrations of Edmund I in 940, Eadred in 946, Eadwig in 955, Edward the Martyr in 975 and, finally, Ethelred, who was crowned by Bishop Oswald of Worcester in 978.


The late 10th- and early 11th-century writer Byrhtferth of Ramsey in his Vita sancti Oswaldi claimed that Oswald of Worcester, Archbishop of York, discovered Botwine's relics at the monastery of Ripon (along with those of other early Ripon abbots) and encased them in a new shrine, an account described by historian Michael Lapidge as "problematical" on other points.


Frithegod served Oda as one of the teachers of Oda's nephew Oswald of Worcester, but he is generally known for his Latin poem Breviloquium Vitae Wilfridi, a hexameter work based on Stephen of Ripon's prose Life of St Wilfrid.

see also