
unusual facts about Oudomxay


Chom Ong

The cave is located about 45 km from Muang Xay, capital of Oudomxay Province, at the border of Xay District with Nam Or District.

Lao PDR Customs

Lao Customs operates regional offices in many towns and cities, including offices located in: Attapeu, Bokeo, Bolikhamsay, Champassack, Huaphanh, Khammuane, Luang Namtha, Luang Prabang, Oudomxay, Phongsaly, Saravanne, Savannnakhet,

Muang Sing

The district has a history of drug trading from at least French colonial times as it is a key transit point for smuggling, lying on a road (known as Opium Road) which connects to Burma and to the Chinese town of Zaho, passing through Oudomxay and Botom.

Yang people

The Yang are distributed in the following villages of Phongsaly, Luang Namtha, and Oudomxay provinces (Chazee 1998).

see also