
3 unusual facts about Our Father

Frank Hanna III

The papyrus includes the oldest extant copy of portions of the Gospels of Luke and John as well as the oldest transcription of the "Our Father".

Roman Catholic prayer

All true Christians frequently recite vocal prayers, such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Apostles' Creed, the acts of faith, hope, charity, etc.

Seven Churches Visitation

There are no set of prayers given by the Church except to pray for the intentions of the Pope and recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Gloria Patri.

Valentin Zubkov

The actor’s most famous roles include those in the films Our Father's House (Otchiy dom) (1959), Leon Garros Is Looking for His Friend (Leon Garros ishchet druga) (1961), Northern Story (Severnaya povest) (1960), Ivan's Childhood (Ivanovo detstvo) (1962), and A Day of Happiness (Den schastya) (1963).

see also

Coqueiro Seco

On September 4, 1805, the Apostolic Ambassador, in Lisbon, gaves one hundred days of indulgence for whom the chapel prayed for hundred days and others for whom prayed under the image of Bom Jesus dos Remédios an Our Father, an Ave Maria and a Gloria Patri for the Pope, for the exaltation of the Church and the spiritual and temporal well of Queen Mary I of Portugal and the Prince Regent D. John.

Max Janowski

Max Janowski's choral works include the traditional Jewish prayers "Avinu Malkeinu" ("Our Father, Our King," a hymn for the High Holy Days), "Sim Shalom" ("Song of Peace," which was dedicated to the American diplomat Ralph Bunche), "Yismehu," and "ve-Shomeru".

Padre Nuestro

Padre Nuestro ("Our Father"), also known as Sangre de Mi Sangre ("Blood of My Blood") is a 2007 Argentinean-American thriller film written and directed by Christopher Zalla, produced by Benjamin Odell and Per Melita and starring Jesús Ochoa, Armando Hernández, Jorge Adrián Espíndola, and Paola Mendoza.

Rosary-based prayers

The Franciscan Crown consists of seven decades of Hail Marys, each preceded by an Our Father and followed by a Glory Be, and completed by two more Hail Marys after the 7th decade to complete the number 72 which is thought to be the age of Mary at the time of her Assumption.