
unusual facts about Overland Mail

11th Ohio Cavalry

The battalion located its headquarters at Pacific Springs, Nebraska Territory, assigned to protect travelers and interests along the North Platte and Sweetwater Rivers, and then at South Pass, Idaho Territory, to guard the Overland Mail routes from Julesburg, Colorado to Green River, Wyoming.

see also

Aguanga, California

Col. Joseph R. West, mentioned the abandoned station location was now called Giftaler’s Ranch, (after its German owner Joseph Giftaler) in a journal of his units march to Fort Yuma on the old Butterfield Overland Mail route.

Daniel Butterfield

He graduated in 1849 from Union College in Schenectady, New York, where he became a member of the Sigma Phi Society and was employed in various businesses in New York and the South, including the American Express Company, which had been co-founded by his father, John Warren Butterfield, an owner of the Overland Mail Company, stage-coaches, steamships, and telegraph lines.