
6 unusual facts about Owen K. Garriott

Anthony W. England

As the second amateur radio operator to operate from space, England and fellow astronaut Owen K. Garriott were honored with a Special Achievement Award from the Dayton Hamvention in 2002.

Enid Lego Builder

"Someone said they didn't know who Garriott was. Others say they thought he was a politician; one person was sure he was a former mayor."

He started this project with posters, his first one of Owen K. Garriott.

Owen K. Garriott

After leaving NASA in June 1986, Garriott consulted for various aerospace companies and served as a member of several NASA and National Research Council Committees.

Garriott is co-author, with fellow astronaut Joseph Kerwin and writer David Hitt, of Homesteading Space, a history of the Skylab program, published in 2008.

Hyperthermophiles were returned from several dives in Russian MIR submersibles to the Rainbow Vents at a depth of 2,300 meters near the Azores in the central Atlantic Ocean.

Owen K.C. Stephens

Stephens has done design work for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Wizards of the Coast), Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, EverQuest Role-Playing Game, The Black Company Roleplaying Game, The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game, Gamma World Sixth Edition, as well as Dungeons & Dragons material appearing in Dragon magazine and NeoExodus: A House Divided.

see also