
unusual facts about Oxfordian stage


The white sandstone in the Clynelish quarry belongs to the Brora Formation, of the Callovian and Oxfordian stages (formerly Middle Oolite) of the Mid-Late Jurassic.

La Pointe du Chay

La Pointe du Chay is composed of layers of limestone dating back to the Sequanian stage (upper Oxfordian stage) of the Jurassic period (circa 160 million years ago), when a large part of France was submerged.


MNHN 1920-7 was found by local collector Dutacq in rocks thought to be Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic), of the Vaches Noires cliffs near Dives in Normandy, France, and was after being reported by amateur geologist Cazenave in 1920 acquired by Professor Marcellin Boule for the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle.

see also