The candidates in 1754 were two Tories, Sir James Dashwood (who was standing for re-election) and The Viscount Wenman; and two Whigs, Viscount Parker (heir to the Earl of Macclesfield) and Sir Edward Turner.
As one of the Tories on the Committee, Sir William Meredith noted,
Oxfordshire | by-election | election | United States presidential election, 2004 | general election | primary election | United States presidential election, 2008 | Canadian federal election, 2004 | United Kingdom general election, 2010 | United States presidential election, 2000 | United States presidential election, 1884 | Australian federal election, 2007 | presidential election | United Kingdom general election, 1997 | Ontario general election, 1995 | United States presidential election, 1960 | Canadian federal election, 2006 | Canadian federal election, 1993 | Canadian federal election, 1988 | New Jersey gubernatorial election, 2009 | United Kingdom general election, February 1974 | Sri Lankan parliamentary election, 2010 | Canadian federal election, 1984 | United Kingdom general election, 1992 | Canadian federal election, 2000 | United States presidential election, 1992 | United States presidential election, 1988 | United States presidential election, 1972 | United Kingdom general election, 1945 | Canadian federal election, 2008 |