
2 unusual facts about Página/12

Alcira Argumedo

She became a regular contributor to Página/12, and joined Nobel Peace Prize laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and others in the Forum for Thought and Social Construction.

Kerry Kennedy

Kennedy has appeared numerous times on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and PBS as well as on networks in countries around the world, and her commentaries and articles have been published in The Boston Globe, The Chicago Sun-Times, L’Unita, The Los Angeles Times, Marie Claire, The New York Times, Página/12, TV Guide and the Yale Journal of International Law.


Página/12 |

Helena Cronin

The El Salvador newspaper La Pagina, discussing the debate about a gay rights law, cited Cronin and Alfred Kinsey as authorities on the issues involved.

Rudy Ulloa

Jorge Lanata claimed in 2007 that Rudy Ulloa became the new owner of Página/12.

see also