
2 unusual facts about P. W. Botha

P. W. Botha

He was keen to promote constitutional reform, and hoped to implement a form of federal system in South Africa that would allow for greater "self-rule" for black homelands (or Bantustans), while still retaining the supremacy of a white central government, and foremost expand the rights of Coloureds (South Africans of mixed ancestry) and Asians in order to widen support for the government.

Vrye Weekblad

In December 1988, former state president P. W. Botha sued Vrye Weekblad for R200,000 for defamation after the newspaper had exposed his links with a Mafia gangster.

Stoffel Botha

Jan Christoffel "Stoffel" Botha (1929–1998) was a South African politician, a member of the National Party, elected representative of Port Natal (until 1989), administrator of Natal Province (1982–1984), Minister of Home Affairs (1985–1989) in the P.W. Botha government.

see also