Panorpa communis, the common scorpionfly, a species of scorpionfly native to Western Europe
Pyrgus communis, the common checkered-skipper, a species of butterfly in the family Hesperiidae
Juniperus communis | Ferula communis | Commelina communis | Pyrgus communis | Panorpa communis | Macrozamia communis | Knema communis | ''Juniperus communis'' subsp. ''alpina'', in Vitosha | Amara communis |
Amara communis, a species of beetle in the family Carabidae
Commelina communis, the Asiatic dayflower, an herbaceous annual plant in the dayflower family
Ferula communis, the giant fennel, a plant species in the genus Ferula
Knema communis, a plant species found in Malaysia and Singapore
Macrozamia communis, the burrawang, a cycad species found on the east coast of New South Wales, Australia
Melocactus communis, the Turk's cap cactus, a plant species in the genus Melocactus