
unusual facts about P. magnus

P. magnus

Paragomphus magnus, a dragonfly species found in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe

Baron Johann Knoop

Baron Johann Knoop (22 July 1846, Moscow – 1882, St. Magnus), was a collector of musical instruments who possessed a total of 29 great violins, violas, and cellos at one time or another including some four Stradivari violas.

Bolivian Socialist Falange

Linklater, Magnus, Hilton, Isabel & Ascherson, Neal, The Fourth Reich: Klaus Barbie and the Neo-Fascist Connection, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984

San Geremia

In 1206 it is mentioned to house the remains of St. Magnus of Oderzo (died 670), who had taken refuge in this area from the Lombards.

San Giovanni in Bragora

It was founded in the early 8th century, allegedly by St. Magnus of Oderzo; in the following century, under doge Pietro III Candiano, it was rebuilt to house the alleged relics of St. John the Baptist, to whom it is entitled, and again in 1178.


He arranged for her to stay in a cell next to the church of St. Georgen near the monastery, where she remained for four years before relocating to a cell adjoining the church of St. Magnus.

see also