
unusual facts about PEM


After 31 years in 2001 the company ended its route between Pembroke, Ontario and Toronto Pearson International Airport, after failing to reach an agreement with Atomic Energy of Canada (that was response for two-thirds of its business) the commercial airline service was discontinued to refocus on its flight school an aviation service operated jointly in partnership with Algonquin College.



Heterogeneous Element Processor

HEP systems were acquired by Los Alamos, the Argonne National Laboratory, the Ballistic Research Laboratory, probably the National Security Agency, and Germany's Messerschmitt which had the only 4 processor PEM system.

Hydrogen purifier

A hydrogen purifier is a device to purify hydrogen if hydrogen production is done from hydrocarbon sources, the ultra-high purified hydrogen is needed for applications like PEM fuel cells .


The primary application was PEM, a forerunner of S/MIME and SEEOTI.

Tshering Pem Wangchuck

Queen Ashi Tshering Pem Wangchuck is one of the four wives and queens of Bhutanese king Jigme Singye Wangchuck, who ruled until abdication in 2006.

see also