
3 unusual facts about PJ DeBoy

PJ DeBoy

He and Paul also share family connections: both are cousins of Delegate Steven J. DeBoy, Sr. and Col. Mark Allen (USAF-AFDW, Ret.), and (like Delegate DeBoy and Col. Allen) hail from the Farrell-DeBoy family of Baltimore.

Steven J. DeBoy, Sr.

He is a second cousin of actors PJ DeBoy and Paul DeBoy, both of whom (like Delegate DeBoy) hail from the Farrell-DeBoy family of Baltimore, Maryland (PJ and Paul are grandsons of the late James J. DeBoy, Sr., a brother of Ferdinand DeBoy.).

Who Threw That Ham at Me

The video features shoplifting, the Disco Garbage Can dance, Fred Schneider as one of the three judges, and cameos by PJ DeBoy and Paul Dawson.

see also