In 2005, the Indian Air Force gifted the school a trainer jet aircraft, TS-11 Iskra, as a tribute to the distinguished service of the school's alumni in the armed forces.
PZL.37 Łoś | PZL P.11 | PZL P.6 | PZL P.24 | PZL.5 | PZL-101 Gawron | PZL | PZL TS-8 Bies | PZL TS-11 Iskra | PZL P.1 | PZL M28 | PZL M-2 | PZL Ł.2 | PZL-5 | Iskra |
Notable elements of the museum collection include vehicles like the S600 Sokół motorcycle, several tanks and planes (such as the PZL TS-8 Bies), and the ORP Fala museum ship.
The TS-16 Grot (Arrowhead) was a supersonic Striker and military jet trainer designed in Poland by Tadeusz Sołtyk.