Laferla, having lost interest in the game, is now an owner of a nightclub in Paceville.
Located west of St. Julian's, Malta, Paceville (sometimes abbreviated PV) is the name given to an informal district heavily populated with nightclubs, bars, pubs and restaurants, and is an important nightlife hub on the island.
At around the same time, a number of bars and clubs started to open in the area in view of the increasing number of British servicemen and tourists living in St. Julian's, St. Andrew's and Pembroke.
St Julian's merges with Paceville, Malta's main nightlife centre where there are clubs, casinos and numerous restaurants, cafes and bars.
There are a few gay clubs including 'Tom Bar', situated in Floriana, which is the oldest gay club in Malta, and 'Monaliza' in Paceville and Valletta.
The town is subdivided into informal districts which are Paceville, Ta' Ġiorni, Tal-Għoqod, St Andrew's, as well as the regions surrounding St George's Bay, Spinola Bay, Balluta Bay, and Il-Qaliet cliffs.