
unusual facts about Palaearctic



Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Asteiidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Aulacigastridae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.


Bombylius mus Bigot, 1862 – southern Palaearctic, Near East, North Africa

Brisbane Charles Somerville Warren

Between 1902 and 1960 he amassed an extensive collection of Palaearctic Lepidoptera now in the Natural History Museum, London.

Brisbane Charles Somerville Warren (1887, Fermoy - 1979) was an Irish entomologist who specialised in Palaearctic Lepidoptera.


A.A. Shtakel 'berg Family Curtonotidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.


Negrobov , P. and Shtakel'berg, A. A. Family Dolichopodidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.

E. falcata

Evarcha falcata, a jumping spider species with palaearctic distribution


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Lauxaniidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .


Shtakel'berg, A. A. Family Lonchaeidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.


Shtakel'berg,A.A., 1988 Family Opomyzidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Pallopteridae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Periscelididae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision.Uncertain family diagnosis.


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Psilidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Sciomyzidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision .

T. maxima

Tipula maxima, a true cranefly species widespread throughout the West Palaearctic


Shtakel'berg, A.A. Family Tanypezidae in Bei-Bienko, G. Ya, 1988 Keys to the insects of the European Part of the USSR Volume 5 (Diptera) Part 2 English edition.Keys to Palaearctic species but now needs revision

see also