
unusual facts about Palazzo Farnese


Palazzo Farnese was initially built as a fortress, as the town and the surrounding area was a feud of the House of Farnese, by the cardinal Alessandro Farnese senio in 1530, according to a project of the architect Antonio da Sangallo, one of the most important architects of the time.

Giovanni Battista Calvi

Prior to working for the Spanish Monarchy he worked as a civil engineer in Rome, under the direction of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, on the façade of Palazzo Farnese.


On the west side, which is set back from the line of the Ludwigstraße, are the Odeon (1826–28, now the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior) and the identical Palais Leuchtenberg (1817–21, now the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance), both modelled on the Palazzo Farnese in Rome.

see also