"Cantus Insolitus" borrows its theme from the largo movement of Jenkins' Palladio, as heard on Diamond Music.
Galilei designed the façade of the main block of Castletown, the grandest Palladian house in Ireland, but returned to Italy in 1719 and was not associated with the actual construction of the house, which was begun in 1722 and carried through by the young Anglo-Irish architect Edward Lovett Pearce, who met Galilei in Florence while he was making drawings of Palladio's villa on his tour of Italy.
The constraints posed by a narrow space and the impossibility of opening windows at the centre of the piano nobile (because of an existing fireplace and its flue) induced Palladio to emphasise the façade’s central axis, by realising a structure with a ground floor arch flanked by engaged columns, and on the upper storey a tabernacle frame for a fresco by Giovanni Antonio Fasolo.
The house was built between 1746 and 1750 for the wealthy merchant and philanthropist Paul Fisher, by Isaac Ware, a nationally renowned architect and translator of Palladio's works.
His 1945 MA thesis for Rudolf Wittkower at the Warburg Institute, London, was a theoretical speculation that Inigo Jones may have intended to publish a theoretical treatise on architecture, analogous to Palladio's Four Books.
Its particular dialogue with geography and its balance between tradition and modernity lead it to be recognized with the Andrea Palladio International Prize, juried by James Stirling, Rafael Moneo, Manfredo Tafuri and Francesco Dal Co in 1991.
Perhaps one of Jenkins's most recognised works is the first movement of the "Palladio" suite, inspired by 16th-century architect Andrea Palladio and in the style of a concerto grosso.
Foots Cray Place was one of the four country houses built in England in 18th century to a design inspired by Palladio's Villa Capra near Vicenza.
Ware was dissatisfied with the first English language edition of Andrea Palladio's I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura, translated by Giacomo Leoni), and in particular with Leoni's illustrations.
Nuthall Temple in Nottinghamshire, one of England's lost houses, was one of five houses built in the United Kingdom generally said to have been inspired by Palladio's Villa Capra in Vicenza.
In the palace is located the Museo Palladio and the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio (CISA).
Palladio supplied the last drawings for the moulding templates in March 1572 and by the end of that year the building would have been roofed, since Giannantonio Fasolo could paint the lacunars of the audience hall while Lorenzo Rubini could execute the stuccoes and statues.
The structure was completed after Palladio's death by Vincenzo Scamozzi.
The development of Rose 2.0 combined a Windows-based Booch notation editor called Object System Designer (acquired from Wisconsin-based Palladio) with a new intermediate representation, and with new semantic analysis, code generation, and reverse engineering capabilities.
He founded the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA) at the University of Bath, and with Vaughan Hart, its current Director, established a focus on Classical and Italian Renaissance architectural treatises; between them they have translated and written about the leading classical architectural theorists – including, Vitruvius, Alberti, Serlio, and Palladio.
The very elegant curvilinear barchesse are the only ones that were actually realised by Palladio from the many projected (for example, those for the Villa Mocenigo on the Brenta, the Villa Thiene at Cicogna or the Villa Trissino at Meledo) and their shape — as Palladio himself writes — recalls arms opening to receive the visitor: the relevant antique source was very probably the exedrae of the Temple of Augustus in Rome.