
5 unusual facts about Pallene

Aglaulus, daughter of Cecrops

An alternative version of the same story is that, while Athena was gone bringing a mountain from Pallene to use in the Acropolis, the sisters, minus Pandrosus again, opened the box.

Erichthonius of Athens

An alternative version of the story is that Athena left the box with the daughters of Cecrops while she went to fetch a mountain from Pallene to use in the Acropolis.


Pallene (mythology), one of the seven Alkyonides, daughters of the giant Alkyoneus in Greek mythology

Pallene, Chalcidice, the westernmost headland of the Chalcidice, Greece, also called Kassandra


:This article is about the city in Achaea, which should not be confused with Pellene in Lacedaemon or Pallene.

see also