21 August – Yitzhak Sadeh (born 1890), Russian (Polish)-born commander of the Palmach and one of the founders of the Israel Defense Forces at the time of the establishment of the State of Israel.
In her biography of Yigal Allon, Yigal Allon, Native Son: A Biography, Shapira in fact portrays the development of the entire Palmach generation in Palestine, the first native-born Sabra generation.
The Battle of Mishmar HaEmek was a ten-day battle fought from 4 to 15 April 1948 between the Arab Liberation Army (Yarmouk Battalion) commanded by Fawzi al-Qawuqji and the Haganah (Palmach and HISH) commanded by Yitzhak Sadeh.
He joined the Palmach in February 1948 and fought in Israel’s War of Independence.
The moshav was founded on 6 December 1949 by demobilised Palmach soldiers and repatriants from Romainia, and was initially named Nahal Reuven, but was later renamed in honour of Josiah Wedgwood.
In the second verse the song describe the participation of the Palmach in the battls of El Alamein the Western Desert, it also describe the plan to defend the Jewish settlement in Palestine from the Nazi Afrika Korps in case of a British withdraw from Egypt with improvised weapon.
Tasini's late father, Betsalel Tasini, was a computer scientist who was born in Palestine and fought in the Haganah, Israel's pre-state army, and its strike force, the Palmach.
The legacy of the "23 Who Went Down at Sea" was a source of inspiration to both the Palmach and Palyam, and their memory remains a source of inspiration to IDF soldiers and sailors.
On 14–15 May the Palmach's 1st Battalion was involved in a clash with Lebanese units at Qabas.
With the outbreak of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War Shlomo Arel joined the Israeli Navy and he became the captain of the Israeli Naval vessel Palmach.
Some personnel was also recruited directly from the Palmach, Haganah and the Irgun.