Today she lives in Palos Verdes, California where she teaches cello and has two daughters, Charlotte and Catherine.
Dormitator latifrons, the Pacific fat sleeper, is a species of sleeper goby found on the Pacific coast of the Americas from around Palos Verdes, California to Peru where it can be found in stagnant or sluggish fresh or brackish waters or nearby marine waters.
He previously coached football and track at Chadwick School in Palos Verdes, California and is a wide receivers coach at his brother's 'Pride N Skills Academy' in Palos Verdes, California.
Palos Verdes | Palos de la Frontera | Enanitos Verdes | Aguas Verdes | Palos | Palos Verdes High School | Palos Verdes Blue | Metro Indios Verdes | ''Distintivo de Madrid'' pennant awarded to the vessels that took part in the Battle of Cape Palos | Aguas Verdes District |
Other endemic fauna includes: the El Segundo blue butterfly in the LAX dunes; and the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis), at only one site on the Palos Verdes Peninsula.
In a 1972 TV drama series Emergency! the episode entitled "Trainee" when a man fell off a cliff in Palos Verdes that CG 1375 helicopter has medicvac the injured man to Rampart General Hospital.
Marineland of the Pacific, a now-defunct oceanarium on the Palos Verdes Peninsula (near Los Angeles, California)
There has also been observed predation on Palos Verdes blue by Western yellowjackets (Vespula pensylvanica) at the Defense Fuel Point location.
His funeral was held at Saint John Fisher Catholic Church in Rancho Palos Verdes on September 11, 2010, with eulogies delivered by journalist Robert Scheer and editorial cartoonist Tony Auth.
In the County of Los Angeles, Rancho Palos Verdes is located in the 4th Supervisoral District, represented by Don Knabe.