Purchasing the power transmission network from a State enterprise, Compañia de Tranporte de Energía en Alta Tensión, upon its 1993 privatization, Transener operates 95% of the high voltage lines in Argentina, and is a subsidiary of Pampa Energía, the largest private electricity producer in the country.
La Pampa | La Pampa Province | Pampa, Texas | Pampa | Santa Rosa, La Pampa | Pampa Galeras – Barbara D'Achille | Eesti Energia | Pampa Hermosa District, Satipo | Pampa Hermosa District | S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia | Pampa Grande | Pampa Energía | pampa | Estadio Rosas Pampa | Energia | Eesti Energia Tehnoloogiatööstus | CS Energia Rovinari |