
unusual facts about Pan African Congress

Pan African Congress

Pan-African Congress, a series of five meetings held between 1919 and 1945

Jessie Redmon Fauset

Fauset became a member of the NAACP and represented them in the Pan African Congress in 1921.

see also

Pan-African Congress

In February 1919, the first Pan-African Congress was organized by W. E. B. Du Bois and Ida Gibbs Hunt, wife of US Consul William Henry Hunt, who was at that time working at the American consulate in Saint-Étienne, France.

Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians

The Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM) is an international congress of the mathematics community, held under the auspices of the African Mathematical Union.

Reparations for slavery

A paper Presented to the First Pan-African Congress on Reparations, Abuja, Federal Republic of Nigeria, 27-29 April 1993.