Georgopoulos has two large works in the permanent collection of Panavision, USA.
The CML has over 3500 members worldwide, including members of the American Society of Cinematographers, the British Society of Cinematographers, the Canadian Society of Cinematographers, etc. as well as representatives from most major equipment manufacturers, including Kodak, Fujifilm, Aaton, Arri, Panavision, Sony, Panasonic, etc.
Of the five original films, Conquest is the only entry filmed in Todd-AO 35 using Arriflex ARRI 35IIC cameras with lenses provided by the Carl Zeiss Group; the other Apes pictures were filmed in Panavision.
The Danny Boyle directed British horror film, 28 Days Later was also shot on MiniDV using the Canon XL1S, albeit with traditional Panavision 35mm film lenses.
Ross pursued an aggressive expansion of the company's properties, first acquiring Ashley-Famous talent agency, then Panavision, and then in 1969 Warner Bros.-Seven Arts.
For example, in the 1998 case of Panavision International v. Toeppen, defendant Dennis Toeppen registered the domain name, and posted aerial views of the city of Pana, Illinois on the site.
So in 1954 Douglas Shearer, Director of Recording at MGM, approached Robert Gottschalk, president of Panavision, with a proposal for the development of a new widescreen photographic system.