
3 unusual facts about Papilionoidea


The fossil Lithopsyche was long assigned to the Boarmiini, but more recently a restudy indicated that it is actually a misidentified true butterfly (Papilionoidea).


Prodryas, from the end of the Eocene, can be quite robustly assigned to the Nymphalidae, and is in fact quite likely a member of the Nymphalini.

Taken together, these fossils place the origin of the Papilionoidea in the latest Mesozoic or early Paleogene, while the extant families emerged approximately the early Eocene onwards.


Papilionoidea |

Parides burchellanus

burchellanus is a rare species or, if it is a subspecies, Evolutionarily Significant Unit, of butterfly (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) that lives in a very few areas in central Brazil.

see also