Papyrus 45, a New Testament manuscript and part of the Chester Beatty Collection
a tau-rho ligature used to abbreviate the Greek word for cross in very early New Testament manuscripts such as P66, P45 and P75.
papyrus | Papyrus 75 | Papyrus Design Group | Papyrus 45 | Papyrus 66 | Papyrus | Ebers Papyrus | Cyperus papyrus | Reisner Papyrus | Papyrus's | Papyrus Harris 500 | Papyrus 93 | Papyrus 88 | Papyrus 37 | Magdalen papyrus | Judicial Papyrus of Turin | Ipuwer Papyrus | Charioteer Papyrus | Berlin Papyrus |