The Eastern Navy fleet is distribute among its bases at Kolkata, Paradip, Tuticorin, Kakinada and Chennai on the east coast, and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Paradip has been identified for development as one of the six major petroleum, chemicals and petrochemical investment regions (PCPIRs) in India, along the lines of Pudong in China, Rotterdam in Europe and Houston in North America.
Paradip |
The director of the Bhubaneswar Meteorological Centre asked the ports of Paradip and Gopalpur to hoist danger signals in preparation for the storm.
Geonkhali lies at the head of the 623-km long NW 5 that includes the Hijli Tidal Canal and the East Coast Canal linking it to Orissa's Paradip and Dhamra ports and the Matai, Brahmani and Mahanadi rivers.
To reach Kendrapara one can go via Cuttack-Jagatpur-Salipur state high way or on the National Highway No.5 and 5 A, crossing at ChandikholViaChhata towards Paradip.
Dr. Damodar Rout is currently the Cabinet Minister and MLA of Paradip.
The coal from Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (Talcher and Ib Valley) and Eastern Coalfields Limited (Raniganj and Mugma) are transported to the load ports of Paradip (Orissa), Vizag (Andhra Pradesh) and Haldia (West Bengal).