For example, the following excerpt from Dr. Samuel Johnson's Lives of the English Poets, the first sentence is the main idea: that Joseph Addison is a skilled "describer of life and manners".
His one-paragraph short story "On Accuracy in Science", probably inspired by a remark of Lewis Carroll's, imagines a map drawn at 1:1 scale, so that it covers the entire country that it illustrates.
The words from "and" to the end, omitted in the third place, were repealed for England and Wales by section 170(2) of, and Schedule 16 to, the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (subject to section 123(6) of, and paragraph 16 of Schedule 8 to, that Act).
Comprises "Macau Diary," paragraph-long descriptions of upcoming events in Macau, and short features on Macau.
Al hanisim is a paragraph from the Jewish prayer service (Amidah) added during the post-Biblical Festivals of Chanukah and Purim in which we thank God for Miracles.
The second paragraph is largely derived and paraphrased from the words that Aradia, the messianic daughter of Diana, speaks to her followers in Charles Godfrey Leland's 1899 book Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches, London: David Nutt; various reprints.
It amended the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution by adding a new paragraph 21, validating the appointment and oath as Vice President of Shahabuddin Ahmed (Chief Justice of Bangladesh), and the resignation tendered to him on 6 December 1990 by the then President Hussain M Ershad.
Paragraph 1 states that "the seal of the State shall be kept by the Governor, or person administering the office of Governor, and used by him officially, and shall be called the Great Seal of the State of New Jersey."
The term was first used by Eustache-Hyacinthe Langlois (1777-1837), and like all the terms mentioned in this paragraph except "Sondergotik" describes the style of window tracery, which is much the easiest way of distinguishing within the overall Gothic period, but ignores other aspects of style.
The law, particularly the aforementioned paragraph and articles 1 and 13, created a public uproar and opposition from the whole of the left-wing, and article 4, paragraph 2 was repealed by president Jacques Chirac (UMP) at the beginning of 2006, after accusations of historical revisionism from various teachers and historians, including Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Claude Liauzu, Olivier LeCour Grandmaison and Benjamin Stora.
To the left of this paragraph is the portrait bust of football player Pinball Clemons created by Gino Cavicchioli, created for the Canadian Football Hall of Fame Induction 2008.
It is also important to point out that this case can not be considered discriminatory nor by the Convention against Discrimination in Education, in fact, Article 2, paragraph B, explicitly stated that this type of situations shall not be deemed to constitute discrimination.
1929 - On October 16, a Reichstag Committee votes to repeal Paragraph 175; the Nazis' rise to power prevents the implementation of the vote.
The digital version of Literaturnaya was developed at ParaGraph (ПараГраф) foundry in 1996 by Lyubov Kuznetsova.
Talking Points Memo blogger "thejoshuablog" found a paragraph in Dowd's May 17, 2009 Times column that was similar to one in a May 14 blog post by TPM editor Josh Marshall, and accused her of plagiarism.
After leaving the executive ranks, she wrote one episode of The Angry Beavers and was responsible for writing three-paragraph outlines for SpongeBob SquarePants.
Paragraph 170 appointed Colonel Frank P. Lahm as Chief of Air Service, Second Army, thus establishing a separate Air Service organization.
When on September 5 Karl Koch, then praeses of the Westphalian provincial synod, tried to bring forward the arguments of the opposition against the Aryan paragraph and the abolition of synodal and presbyterial democracy, the majority of German Christian general synodals shouted him down.
Since it is stated in paragraph 4 of Mr Rendell's affidavit in support of the Summons and has been conceded that all the conveyances of plots for building purposes fronting or near Ellenborough Park were as regards (inter alia) user substantially the same as the 1864 Conveyance, the inevitable inference is that the houses which, were to be built upon the plots were to constitute a residential estate.
Amis writes in the Afterword that he had a "certain paragraph" from Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five (1969), in mind.
"Summary of the military successes: the subjugation of the Babylonian cities; the rule over all people between the Upper Sea and the Lower Sea; the victories against Elam, in Iran and in Hatti; the humiliation of Urzana of Musasir and Rusa of Urartu; the defeat of Hamath"—paragraph 3.
Taking the verses of Sahrawi poet Lamine Allal, Hassan developed a nine paragraph critical response to the 1976 speech of then Spanish opposition leader and later president of Spain Felipe González at the Sahrawi refugee camps (he compromised Spanish Socialist Workers' Party support to the Sahrawi people until "the final victory"), by using all scales and rhythms of the Haul.
::Ex-Speakers of the House of Representatives, except as provided in paragraph 2.
The translator of the Loeb 1940 English translation, F. E. Robbins, reports a "puzzling problem" regarding the final paragraph of the book.
The introductory paragraph of the story alludes (by last name only) to several authors, particularly Glover and Wilkie.
From its first paragraph to its last, The Diary of a Public Man recounts the twists and turns as two successive presidents, the repudiated James Buchanan and the untested Lincoln, attempted to figure out what to do about Fort Sumter, the besieged federal fortress located on an artificial island at the mouth of Charleston harbor, South Carolina.
Foote wrote the nonsense poem to test the memory of the actor Charles Macklin, who had claimed he could read any paragraph once through and then recite it verbatim.
Ge Ping's is also used as the ending song of the series till the end of this series, often one paragraph each playing.
In 2006, the Independent was the first to report that Harvard student Kaavya Viswanathan's highly publicized debut young adult novel How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got a Life contained "imagery, sentence structure, and paragraph organization" which was "strikingly similar" to material in Tanuja Desai Hidier's 2002 novel Born Confused.
Keith Hennessey, then a Deputy of NEC Director Larry Lindsey, stated that Suskind made up a paragraph long direct quote from him during a White House meeting that he never actually said.
King's Chapel Burying Ground, mentioned in the final paragraph, exists; the Elizabeth Pain gravestone is traditionally considered an inspiration for the protagonists' grave.
At the Mincha service, Ashkenazim add a paragraph that begins Nachem ("Console...") to the conclusion of the blessing Boneh Yerushalayim ("Who builds Jerusalem") recited during the Amidah.
A one-paragraph unsigned per curiam opinion was followed by a longer dissent by Justice Harold Hitz Burton, joined by Stanley Forman Reed.
In 2006, Tvedt was convicted and received a suspended 45 day jail sentence for violation of the Norwegian racism paragraph due to a 2003 interview with Verdens Gang where he referred to Jews as "evil murderers" and "parasites which will be cleaned out".
She was in 1981 convicted for anti-Islamic hate speech by the Norwegian Supreme Court under Norway's so-called "racism paragraph" (§ 135a), and received a suspended 60-day sentence.
In his classical work The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Erving Goffman used an extended paragraph of Sansom's A Contest of Ladies to develop his model of the social role and the dramaturgical approach to sociology.