After temporarily accepting a teaching position at a university in the USA, Liehm returned to Paris in 1982, to a post at the Paris Diderot University and later at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Chaoulli was born in France in 1952 and earned a medical degree from the Paris Diderot University.
After a doctorate in Theoretical Physics at the université d’Orsay in 1965, he was successively in charge of research at CNRS, lecturer at the université de Nice, a professor at the Paris Diderot University, and at Nice, where he taught in the departments of physics, philosophy and communication.
Cohen received his M.D and Ph.D in nutrition from the Paris Diderot University in 1983, after which he worked as a nutritional consultant for a research laboratory from 1982-1986.
He completed his master and doctorate degrees in Film Science at the Paris Diderot University in Paris, France.
This project is originally by Don Ho, a developer based in Paris and graduated from Paris Diderot University in 2000.
In Lire en Amérique. Paris, France: Institut d'Etudes Anglophones, Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot, 1993: 33-46.
Zacchiroli earned a PhD in computer science in 2007 at University of Bologna and moved to Paris Diderot University for his Postdoctoral research.
He was a visiting professor of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure in Lyon in 1998 and at the Université Paris VII - Diderot in 1999, 2000 and 2002.
Paris | Harvard University | Columbia University | Yale University | University of Paris | New York University | Stanford University | Princeton University | University of Cambridge | University of Pennsylvania | University of Michigan | University of Chicago | University of California, Berkeley | University of Toronto | Cornell University | University of Oxford | University of London | University of Oslo | Cambridge University | University of Southern California | McGill University | Johns Hopkins University | Northwestern University | University of California | Brown University | University of Queensland | University of Minnesota | University of Washington | University of Notre Dame | University College London |
The graduate programs that have been approved are the following: Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Bern, Sahlgrenska University Göteborg, Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education Jönköping, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, Université catholique de Louvain, University Complutense in Madrid, University of Dublin, Trinity College, University of Strasbourg, Paris Diderot University at Rothschild hospital.