Born in Parral, Chihuahua, and raised by her mother Guadalupe Ontiveros Mardueño and a musician and band director in Oaxaca, Prospero Gonzalez.
Reynogüelén, also spelled Reinogüelén, Reinohuelén, and Reynohuelén, was the original Mapudungun name of the eastern regions of what are now the communes of Parral in Linares Province, and Ñiquén, and San Carlos communes in the Ñuble Province of the Biobio Region of Chile.
This marked the high point of his rebellion, as he controlled all of Chihuahua except the town of Parral which was defended by Pancho Villa who had remained loyal to Madero.
By this time he had developed self-taught qualities of a lawyer and therefore held several positions as Judge in different towns of the state, namely: Batopilas, Camargo, Parral, Cusihuiriachic and Santa Bárbara.
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Cauquenes is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Pelluhue and Chanco).
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Chanco is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Longaví, Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes and Pelluhue).
Within the electoral divisions of Chile, Longaví is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Guillermo Ceroni (PPD) and Ignacio Urrutia (UDI) as part of the 40th electoral district, (together with Retiro, Parral, Cauquenes, Pelluhue and Chanco).