The 1998 documentary film Party Monster: The Shockumentary and the 2003 feature film Party Monster – both directed by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato – were based upon the memoir Disco Bloodbath by Club Kid James St. James, an autobiographical recount of his life.
James St. James continues to work with World of Wonder, the production company that produced both Party Monster: The Shockumentary (1998) and Party Monster (2003), which were based on the book.
Disco Bloodbath, a book written by James St. James about the club kids and Michael Alig's murder of Angel Melendez which was re-released under the title Party Monster
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He wrote Disco Bloodbath (now published under the title Party Monster) that was later made into the feature film Party Monster starring Macaulay Culkin as Michael Alig and Seth Green as St. James.
The events of Michael Alig's years as a club promoter up to his arrest were portrayed in the 1998 documentary Party Monster: The Shockumentary and the 2003 feature film Party Monster starring Macaulay Culkin as Alig and Seth Green as St. James.
His first parole request, in November 2006, was denied, allegedly after parole officers watched the fictional movie based on Alig's life Party Monster, starring Macaulay Culkin.
The memoir was later renamed Party Monster after the motion picture of that name starring Macaulay Culkin, Seth Green, Chloƫ Sevigny and Marilyn Manson.