In the Japanese comic and animated series One Piece, a Den Den Mushi (or "Transponder Snail Phone") is a type of telephone where users can communicate via snail-like creatures.
Along with the Allix article in La Presse the story of the pasilalinic-sympathetic compass was covered by the 1889 book Historic Oddities and Strange Events by Sabine Baring-Gould.
compass | Sympathetic nervous system | Compass Airlines | Compass Point Studios | Compass Media Networks | Compass Kumpas | Compass Group | Silva compass | Compass Card | Compass Airlines (North America) | Compass | True Compass | Points of the compass | In ''The Broken Compass'' Hitchens criticises the media's portrayal of Gordon Brown | Eddie Compass | Compass Project | Compass Point Shopping Centre | Compass Kumpas (album) | Compass Bank | BBVA Compass | Aircraft compass turns | Admiralty Compass Observatory |