The school receives its students from George H. Flamson Middle School and Daniel E. Lewis Middle School, both located in Paso Robles, as well as from the Lillian Larsen School, a public K-8 school in San Miguel, California and Pleasant Valley Elementary School, a public K-8 school located in an outlying area of northeastern San Luis Obispo County.
high school | Harvard Business School | London School of Economics | Harvard Medical School | High Court | secondary school | El Paso, Texas | Harvard Law School | Eastman School of Music | High Court of Justice | Juilliard School | Public school (government funded) | High School Musical | Gymnasium (school) | Yale Law School | Ultra high frequency | Rugby School | school district | high school football | High Court of Australia | public school | El Paso | school | New York University School of Law | High-definition television | Westminster School | Tisch School of the Arts | Charterhouse School | Harrow School | University-preparatory school |