The film Il giorno di San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian's Day) (1993), directed by Pasquale Scimeca 100 years after the event, is based on Bosco’s play about the Caltavuturo massacre.
He was also a realist writer, and his play Il giorno di San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian Day) was the namesake feature film written and directed by Pasquale Scimeca in 1993.
Don Pasquale | Pasquale Paoli | Pasquale Festa Campanile | Ugo Pasquale Mifsud | Pasquale Squitieri | Pasquale Scimeca | Pasquale Condello | Giuseppe Pasquale Ricci | Pasquale Villari | Pasquale Simonetti | Pasquale Ricci | Pasquale J. D'Amuro | Pasquale Camerlengo | Pasquale Cajano | Felice Pasquale Baciocchi |