
10 unusual facts about Passifloraceae

Eduard Pechuël-Loesche

He is commemorated in the Asteraceae genus Pechuel-Loeschea O.Hoffm., Adenia pechuelii of the Passifloraceae and Aerva pechuelii of the Amaranthaceae, having to make way for the older Calicorema capitata.

Passiflora antioquiensis

Passiflora antioquiensis (the red banana passionfruit) is a species in the Passifloraceae family.

Passiflora capsularis

Passiflora capsularis (red grandilla) is a member of the Passifloraceae family with vanilla scented, delicate white flowers around 5cm in diameter.

Passiflora coccinea

The fruit is quite similar to that of Passiflora capsularis because the fruit of these are the only red ones in the Passifloraceae.

Passiflora edmundoi

Passiflora edmundoi is a species in the Passifloraceae family.

Passiflora jorullensis

Passiflora jorullensis is a species in the Passifloraceae family.

Passiflora murucuja

Passiflora murucuja is a species in the Passifloraceae family.

Passiflora tulae

Passiflora tulae, the pink passion flower, is a species in the Passifloraceae.

Passiflora xishuangbannaensis

Passiflora xishuangbannaensis is a species of plant in the Passifloraceae family.


Soyauxia was long considered an anomaly and it has been variously classified by different authors, usually in Passifloraceae or in the defunct plant family Flacourtiaceae.


Passifloraceae |