
3 unusual facts about Patriarchate

Canaanean blade

Found on land of the Lebanese Evangelical School for Girls in the Patriarchate area of Beirut, Lebanon.

Juvenal of Jerusalem

Juvenal wanted to make Jerusalem into a primary see (a "Patriarchal see") by demotion of the Metropolitan see of Caesarea and the primary see of Antioch.

Nemanjić dynasty

In 1346, Stephen Uroš IV Dušan was crowned Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks and Albanians and Bulgarians, and the Archbishopric of Serbia was elevated to a Patriarchate.

Abuna Basilios

Ichege Gebre Giyorgis was consecrated by the Coptic Pope Yussab II as Archbishop of Ethiopia with the name and style of Abuna Basilios July 1948 during a ceremony held at the Patriarchate of Saint Mark in Egypt.


From 1610 to 1617, the Patriarchate of Alqosh, under Mar Eliyya VIII, entered in Full Communion with Rome.

Archbishop Maximus I of Constantinople

The resignation of Gregory, who was succeeded in the patriarchate of Constantinople by Nectarius, did not benefit Maximus.

Archbishop Spyridon of America

In 1985 the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected him titular bishop of Apamea, assigning him as an auxiliary bishop to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Austria and Exarchate of Italy, as it was then known.

Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate

Tanriöver's plans were to establish Gagauz communities in the Turkish region of Marmara, such that these communities would be attached to Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate founded by Eftim I.

The Turkish government proposed to Stepan Topal, President of the independent region of Gagauzia, to tie the Gagauz Christians, numbering according to estimates to up to 120,000 Christians to the Autocephalous Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate.

Estonian Orthodox Church

Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, an autonomous church subordinate to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue

Professor Damaskinos Papandreou, former Metropolitan of Switzerland and Director of the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Chambes/Geneva)

Jacques Ishaq

Upon the retirement of Patriarch Mar Emmanuel III Delly, he served as locum tenens of the Patriarchate of Babylon of the Chaldeans until the election of Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako.

John X of Constantinople

The Crusaders then installed a Latin Patriarch in Constantinople, while Theodore simply created a new Greek Patriarchate in Nicaea, which was eventually restored in Constantinople with the rest of the Empire in 1261.

Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudja

The Metropolis of Ungro-Wallachia was created, in 1359, by Callistus I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople as the most senior church office of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, covering the territory of Wallachia.

Old Calendarists

A revised form of the Julian Calendar, developed by the Serbian astronomer Milutin Milanković, which mostly coincides with the Gregorian one, was finally adopted by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1924 as well as by the autocephalous Church of Greece.

Palace of the Patriarchate

Parliamentarians vacated the building in 1997, when it passed to the Patriarchate of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

Patriarchate of Aquileia

The Patriarchate of Aquileia was an early center of Christianity, an historical state and Catholic episcopal see, and today a Catholic titular see in northeastern Italy, centred on the ancient city of Aquileia situated at the head of the Adriatic, on what is now the Italian seacoast, at the confluence of the Anse and the Torre.

Patriarchate of the West Indies

After the Niño de Guevara's death the office remained vacant because Philip II, against the Holy See policy, wished an actual jurisdicional Patriarchate.

Paulinus II of Aquileia

Meanwhile, from Charlemagne, Paulinus obtained diplomas for the free election of the future patriarchs by the cathedral chapter of Aquileia, and other privileges for his patriarchate as well as for the monastery of St. Mary in Organo, the church of St. Lawrence in Buja, and the hospitals of St. John at Cividale and St. Mary at Verona.

Pope John XIX

He played a role in the process leading to the Schism of 1054 by rejecting a proposal by Patriarch Eustathius of Constantinople to recognise that Patriarchate's sphere of interest in the east.

Russian Orthodox Church

Gleb Yakunin, a critic of the Moscow Patriarchate who was one of those who briefly gained access to the KGB archive documents in the early 1990s, argued that the Moscow Patriarchate was "practically a subsidiary, a sister company of the KGB".

Russian Orthodox Exarchate in Western Europe

In 2006, against the protests of Moscow, the Exarchate received Bishop Basil (Osborne) of Amphipolis (formerly the temporary administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate's Diocese of Sourozh), along with a number of parishes and clergy in the United Kingdom.

Titular Archbishop of Aquileia

In 1751 with the 6 July bull Injunctio Nobis, the Pope Benedict XIV divided the patriarchate into two archdioceses; one at Udine, with Venetian Friuli for its territory, the other at Gorizia, with jurisdiction over Austrian Friuli.

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