
4 unusual facts about Patrick Diamond

Patrick Diamond

In the run-up to the 2005 general election, Diamond worked as a special adviser to the election co-ordinator, Alan Milburn MP, leading the management of the Labour Party’s manifesto and preparation of the government’s third-term policy programme.

After graduating from Clare College, University of Cambridge, with a double first-class honours in Social and Political Sciences and a M.Phil from the Cambridge Institute of Criminology, Diamond was elected as the National Chair of Labour Students from May 1998 - April 1999.

Roger Liddle, Baron Liddle

Most recently Global Europe, Social Europe with Anthony Giddens and Patrick Diamond.

The City in Europe and the World

Contributions from: Graham Bishop, Alex Brassey, Mario Cerrato, Patrick Diamond, Brendan Donnelly, Howard Flight, Alexandra Forter, Chris Huhne, Mario Jung, Angela Knight, Peter Mandelson, Agnes Oestrich, Giancarlo Perasso, Alice Rogers, Sanjiv Sachdev, L.V. Spagnolo, Richard Woodward.

see also