
unusual facts about Paul Erdős

Adi Bulsara

P. Erdős, R. J. Faudree, C. C. Rousseau, and R. H. Schelp, "Generalized Ramsey theory for multiple colors," J. Combinatorial Theory Ser., B20(3), pp.

Endre Boros

In 1986, Boros settled (with T. Szőnyi) a conjecture by Beniamino Segre about the cyclic structure of finite projective planes, and in 1988 provided the best known bound for a question posed by Paul Erdős about blocking sets of Galois planes.

George Szekeres

Szekeres worked closely with many prominent mathematicians throughout his life, including Paul Erdős, Esther Szekeres (née Esther Klein), Paul Turán, Béla Bollobás, Ronald Graham, Alf van der Poorten, Miklós Laczkovich, and John Coates.

Highly abundant number

Highly abundant numbers and several similar classes of numbers were first introduced by Pillai (1943), and early work on the subject was done by Alaoglu and Erdős (1944).


Notable opsimaths include Sir Henry Rawlinson, the fictitious character Sir Henry Rawlinson, Grandma Moses, mathematician Paul Erdős (who published papers up until his death at age 83), and Cato the Elder who learned Greek only at the age of 80.

Probabilistic number theory

The founders of the theory were Paul Erdős, Aurel Wintner and Mark Kac during the 1930s, one of the periods of investigation in analytic number theory.

Problems involving arithmetic progressions

Paul Erdős set a $1000 prize for a question related to this number, collected by Endre Szemerédi for what has become known as Szemerédi's theorem.

Suzan Kahramaner

She participated in the Scandinavian Congress of Mathematicians, International Colloquium on the Theory of Functions, in Helsinki the very same year in August and had the opportunity to meet some of the famous Mathematicians like Ernst Hölder, Wilhelm Blaschke, Lars Valerian Ahlfors, Paul Montel, O. Lehto, M. Biernacki, Alexander Gelfond, A. Pfluger, W. Kaplan, Walter Hayman and Paul Erdős.

Yu-Chi Ho

Ho has an Erdős number of 4: Yu-Chi Ho - Demosthenis Teneketzis - Wayne Stark - Robert McEliece - Paul Erdős

see also