
3 unusual facts about Paul Lemerle


-Na perekrestke tsivilizatsiy : Istorija Vizantii- Osmanskaja Imperija (Paul Lemerle-Dimitri Kitsikis) – Moscow, Ves Mir Editions, 2006.

Photios I of Constantinople

However, specialists of this period of Byzantine history, such as Paul Lemerle, have shown that Photius could not have compiled his Bibliotheca in Baghdad because he clearly states in both his introduction and his postscript that when he learned of his appointment to the embassy, he sent his brother a summary of books that he read previously, "since the time I learned how to understand and evaluate literature" i.e. since his youth.

N. Wilson regards Leo the Mathematician as Photios's teacher, but Paul Lemerle notes that Leo was not one the persons with whom Photios had a correspondence.

see also